Tuesday, January 19, 2010

I love my kids!

I love, love, love my kids imaginations! The other night I had my music on kind of low, and Owen was singing his heart out, so I drove around the block to keep listening to him. Those are the moments when I wish I had a video camera inserted in my index finder so I could just have it handy all of the time. I also think it would be much easier if a woman could breastfeed through her finger...that would be so dang convenient! Anyway, tonight we had to make a diaper run to Walmart, and on the way home I stopped by McDonalds to get the kids some food. My rule is that they have to wait to eat until we get home. So they both start asking me if they could have the happy meal toy, and I said, "I can't get it right now, I have to focus on driving." Then Scarlett says to me, "Ahhh! I wish we had a robot that could get me things in the car when I need them!" I responded with, "I completely agree!"

1 comment:

Amanda Brooke Kilgore said...

I want three robots... one for the dishes, one for the laundry, and one that can get some sleep for me.