Wednesday, July 29, 2009


My aunt, cousins, and cousins kids came to visit. I was a great time. My cousin has two little boys. Grant is a little older than Scarlett, but they had so much fun together, and Rhett is Owens age. My kids were worn out every evening!!! I think the best part was we got a girls night out, and we had a blast. The worst part was...THAT I DID NOT TAKE ONE PICTURE!!!!! what is wrong with me?! My mom said she took a bunch of pictures, so THANK GOD! I don't get to see these cousins very much, so we I do I must take advantage of picture time. We have great pictures of all of our kids together from a year and a half ago, but not this year. In my defense, I was planning on taking some pictures the last day they were here, but poor little Grant got sick, and was quarintined. Oh and Congrats to Amanda for making the long trip here with the boys!


Amanda Brooke Kilgore said...

The visit was waaaaaaay too short. Grant sure misses Scarlet, and I sure miss Girl Time.

carrie said...

I know me too. I wish Grant had felt better the last day we were there. Scarlett was sad to see her cousins leave.