Friday, December 18, 2009

hum d dum

This week has been aweful, as far as mornings go. On Tuesday, thursday, and Friday, my kids go to day care. This means that I have to make lunches, get them dressed, brush teeth, check what they ate for breakfast(mike is in charge of breakfast, but I can't always trust that he feeds them well) and get them to daycare before I get to work. The last few mornings, Owen has decided to poop when I am ready to walk out the door, so I have to turn around, go back in the house, and change his diaper. On top of that Scarlett is going through a phase of not wanting to listen to anything I say. I have taken things away from her, put her in time out, and spanked her, and none of it is working! I feel like I am loosing my mind, because I get so irritated. I want to be the best mom I can be, but this is truly testing my patience more than anything else has since I have been a mom. So when I tell her to get in the car, she does not listen. Which brings me to the ice. It snowed a boatload recently, and it has all turned into a nice thick layer of ice in my driveway,and front yard. Mike has already fallen twice, and thank goodness he just scraped his knuckles. Owen will not walk in it, he says "it too slipily mom", "carry you". So I have to take everything to the car, start the car to defrost the windows, and go back and get Owen. While I am doing all of that, who knows what Scarlett is doing? I do know what she is not doing, and that is not getting in the car. After getting the kids in the car, and all the drama starts to settle, I have to make several trips back in the house to get all of the stuff that we forgot. Then I finally get in the car and drive away so frusterated, I am in tears. So my solution to this is that I need to work with Scarlett some more on listening. I need to try to get more organized. I just thought that if you are consistant enough with your kids, things will be easier. Wrong! some kids are just not easy children, and you have to keep readjusting your parenting style to relate to them. Scarlett is my more difficult child, but I love the heck out of her, and if I have to be even more consistant, then bring it on.

1 comment:

Amanda Brooke Kilgore said...

You said it - some kids (Grant) are just more difficult than others no matter how hard we try to make them perfect.