Friday, July 30, 2010

top ten sayings of the week...

1. "Mom can you please stop interpeating me?!" ummmm, Do you want me to stop interrupting or repeating you?
2. "Mom is it like a dance party in every room night or what?"
3. "My name is not Owen, its bailey" oh! excuse me!
4. "Come on dad, we don't have to listen to mom." obviously my favorite one!
5. "Mom, you be sally and I will be mcqueen, and we can fight like crazy."
6. "Mommo is a nice lady, I am glad God invented her"
7. "if you don't stop punishing me I am going to live in another country like texas."
8. "can I have a baba (a sippy cup)?" "no", "then can you go get dad?"
9. While reading about a groundhog named Grady, I pointed to him and said, "Owen what is this animal?" owen said, "uh a flamingo?"....well, At least my son has good looks.
10. "Owen get off the table or I will spank you!" "Wait! not so fast mom!"


molly june. said...

AHAHAAA!! i could read these ALL night. your kids are HILARIOUS, carrie. what a lucky mom. you prolly get so many good belly laughs every day :)

carrie said...

Thanks Molly. I do feel lucky, and we laugh ALL the time. Kids are the greatest!