Friday, July 16, 2010

Number 200!

this is my 200th post. sorry blog, it has been a while since my last post. I think my 200th post will be about my kids, since that is why I started this thing.

Scarlett, my amazing four year old, will be turning 5 soon. I really don't think 5 is going to be easy for me. Sometimes I get sad just thinking about it. She is more amazing every day. I still am in awe at some of the things she says. Last week was VBS at our church and she made a "rainstick". Last night I went into her room and noticed rice was all over the floor. I said, "Scarlett! why is there rice all over your floor?!" she said, "Mom, it is from my rainstick, it rained rice."

Owen, who is STILL not potty trained, is equally amazing. If he does not want to do something he says, "I can't do that I am a baby." He also says things like, "this years day", instead of "today". It would be so much easier to say "today".

They both watch me drive away every morning, and yell at me down the street that they love me and have a good day. I think this is a remund thing. and you remunds know what I mean. I think that is a great thing to do. I don't know if our neighbors like it, but I don't care.

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