Monday, August 17, 2009


This weekend Scarlett and Owen were playing, and Scarlett was not sharing with Owen and she was bossing him around. We had planned to go ride bumper boats at this place in town, and I told Scarlett if she wanted to go she had to be nice and quit bossing everyone around. As soon as the words left my mouth, she turned around and yelled at Owen that he could not "walk the plank".(I had rolled up a rug and it was sitting on the coffe table and she was using the rug as "the plank") So I had to say we could not go ride bumper boats. Then my sweet little girl runs to me and says, with tears rolling down her face, "It makes me so mad when you do that!" I said, "Well Scarlett, it makes me sad when you do not listen, I wish I did not have to take away the bumper boat rides, but you WILL learn to listen." Then she says, "Well it doesn't make me mad, I am just really frustrated and I just want to banish you." Yeah, That is what I have to deal with!


Sherry said...

I would like to say I'm surprised she used the word "banished", but it sounds like a Scarlet thing to me. You never know what the kid is going to say next!

Anonymous said...

Hey, sorry. The above comment was posted by me - Amanda. I was using my mother-in-law's computer to type the message and didn't change to my account before sending it.

carrie said...

ha ha! I was thinking I did not know a sherry!