Wednesday, June 3, 2009

All because of a little peanut!

We went to the doctor today, and confirmed that Scarlett is for sure allergic to peanuts. The good news is, as of right now, her reactions are not severe enough to cause anaphillactic shock (sp?). It could become that serious, but for right now, we just have to make sure she does not eat things containing peanut oil. We got her an epipen so we can be prepared if that ever happens. I am sad because I don't want her to have to be hindered by anything, but we have no choice but to deal with it. 25% of children grow out of it, so we are praying that she is in that 25%. The doctor said it is unlikely that she will grow out of it. I just have to be positive and tell myself, at least she can still enjoy things like chocolate, airplanes, and many restaurants.

1 comment:

Amanda Brooke Kilgore said...

Hey, as long as the girl can still eat chocolate, she's good to go!!!