Friday, September 5, 2008

painting fun

the other day i was nailing some things on the wall and scarlett said, "i want to go outside and paint." i said okay because i thought i am right inside and can keep an eye on her. i thought, "how messy can she possible get, and she is about to take a batha anyway." well...this is what i found in only five short minutes. and i had just told her to only paint the paper. i am so glad i have a sweet little girl who listens to everything i say and obeys without any arguing.:) afer she had destroyed herself, i thought, "what the heck, let her mess herself up as much as she wants." we had to drain the bath water twice to get all of the paint off. what i did not post was pictures of what she looked like after i took her panties off. that area was the only part not painted, so it still looked like she had panties on.


Amanda Brooke Kilgore said...

So, it's good to see you guys are still around... Not only does Scarlet look prescious with paint on her, but her pigtails add the perfect touch. What a perfect picture of little girl.

I actually took great comfort in your post about little boys keeping you busier than little girls. I have a few friends who had a girl first and then a boy, just like you, and they have said the exact same thing. It's nice to know I'm not the only one running around like a crazy person keeping my boys out of things!!!!!

What is up with the dance thing? It's not like she's auditioning for the Alvin Ailey Dance Company (then again she couldn't because she's not African American - ha ha)!! I like YOUR attitude about it; it's a very healthy one. Seems like the dance school would not only want to teach the basics but a love for dancing as well. Doesn't sound like their approach will accomplish these tasks. Oh well... as long as she's happy.

Amanda Brooke Kilgore said...

Scarlett, I am sorry I keep spelling your name incorrectly. I am a very bad cousin!