Wednesday, September 24, 2008

my baby is three!

Yesterday was bitter sweet! Scarlett turned three. i am so incredible proud of all of her accomplishments in three years, but i just wish time would start to pass slower and slower, instead of faster and faster. She is an amazing child. She is so smart and beautiful. She is kind to everyone and she is very curious and imaginative. she has a great sense of humor, and her vocabulary amazes me and everyone else around her. she makes us laugh all the time. i cant imagine my life before her and i never want to imagine life without her. we never knew love like the love we have for scarlett. she is best, most perfect little girl and we love love love her.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008


I will admit, i am one to get really passionate about the current election. After all, it is the future of this country and my kids have to grow up here, so of course i am going to have an opinion. I have weighed all of my options, and i have watched both sides of this election unfold. There are times when i am furious about the "no child left behind" supporters, and what they think. (Most of them don't have kids, and if they do their kids are not at the top of the class.) I hate that Obama wants to raise taxes on small businesses, or raise taxes in general. That directly effects my family, because our small business is our well being, and taxes are rediculous already. the last thing this country needs is for the taxes to be raised. Tell me, really tell me, what will that do to help this country. if someone has a good argument against me, please, i am all ears. I hate that people slam a woman for not haveing enough "experience". Tell me this, what experience does Obama have? Palin literally has done more than the man some people want to elect as president of the unnited states of america. And then the ironic part is Obama supporters want to slam palin for not having experience, which totally contradicts everything they are for. Why would people attack her daugjhter and her son with down syndrome? that is just petty. I get really frusterated that my generation, are the ones that want to elect him as president. Sure it would be nice for someone to come in to office and save all of the poor and give billions of dollars to people who "need" it. but lets face the facts, that is not even possible. Where do you think that money is going to come from? i will tell you, the taxpayers. small businesses make up 71% of the money for our economy. What do you think will happen if small business owners are forced out of business because the taxes are to high to pay? Talk about a great depression! And then we have the peoplewho are worried about global warming. who are we to think that we can actually stop this earth from changing? God is the only one who can control that! not us...we are not that powerful!
I went to Denver this weekend, to a womens conference, and i heard the most powerful sentance come out of a womans mouth. She said, "So many people are worried and scared about what will happen during this election, but the bottom line is this...GOD IS IN CONTROL!" That gave me so much peace. we dont have to worry about any of it, because God already knows what will happen and you can bet he has a plan.

Friday, September 5, 2008

painting fun

the other day i was nailing some things on the wall and scarlett said, "i want to go outside and paint." i said okay because i thought i am right inside and can keep an eye on her. i thought, "how messy can she possible get, and she is about to take a batha anyway." well...this is what i found in only five short minutes. and i had just told her to only paint the paper. i am so glad i have a sweet little girl who listens to everything i say and obeys without any arguing.:) afer she had destroyed herself, i thought, "what the heck, let her mess herself up as much as she wants." we had to drain the bath water twice to get all of the paint off. what i did not post was pictures of what she looked like after i took her panties off. that area was the only part not painted, so it still looked like she had panties on.

Dance Dance Dance!

Scarlett started dance. she loves it. i have mixed feelings about are my concerns:
1. the other day scarlett got kicked out of class for crying. when she stopped, i opened the door to let go back in to class, and the teacher said "the rule is, that if she leaves, she cant come back in to class." Which made me think, "we are not making a career out of this, it is just for fun." and she is three! and the class is 2 hours long! i guess we will see how it goes.
2. there are some crazy moms in the dance world. kids get punished if they get kicked out of class. i mean i know that you can't allow your kids to give up on things, but please it is dance. some days it is hard for me to bite my tounge,so i guess i vent about it on my blog.
3. i dont want to offend anyone, but i really dont think that boys should be forced to go to dance class. and if you do send your boys to dance class make sure they dont say thing like "look mom, i am a sweet little danicing boy and my sister is a sweet little dancing princess." yes that is what i heard from a boy the class after scarletts. (his sister is in scarletts class) so i can not escape them. but i wanted to walk up to his mom and say, "what do you think you are doing." he is going to get the crap baet out of him when he gets to school. that is mean.

Well there is my venting. we really are enjoying dance, and for right now we will continue to go. but if at anytime she wants out, she can quit.

last but not least

Owen started walking. i know this is not a picture of that, but it is one of my favorite owen pictures. plus i dont have any walking pictures yet. all we have done it video it. i know...i am a bad mom. we are so proud of him!

Owen's number one enemy

as most kids do, owens hates the vacuum cleaner (how in the heck do you spell that anyway?) in fact owen acts completely devastated when i get it out. just look at his face...complete disgust!

owen and his guitar...

we can not get this child away from the guitar...not that we want to, but we have other things to do and he wants it all of the time. if he is not busy putting things in his mouth, or taking EVERYTHING out of drawers and cabinets, and plying in the dang toilet, he is playing the guitar. Boys are sooooo much work. we never baby proofed our house, and now we have to baby proof everything.