Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Easter one week late

Because I was in the hospital on Easter, we did our own Easter this last weekend. My kids dressed up on Sunday, and they were OVERLY dressed up. It was the best Easter ever! They had hundreds of eggs to hunt, because I hit the mother load of sales. They had more candy than they had ever had in life due to that sale as well. I did not realize how overboard I went until Saturday night when I was putting Easter baskets together. My Dad and step mom came to town to help take care of us since I could not lift the kids and do things like baths, teeth brushing, and loading in and out of the car. It was great having them here to spend Easter with us. The kids had a GREAT time with them. We had a HUGE Easter lunch, and it was pretty close to non fat so I could eat almost everything. Oh, and then we got to watch New Moon for the forth time in a week! It was a fun weekend!

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